This pretty much sums up everyday life around here:

Sometimes movies are turned on as means of survival.
Fishies are occasionally eaten for breakfast because they are her favorite snack in the world and sometimes she refuses to eat anything else and I have to pick my battles.
F trails behind her, eating all the fishies that she drops and I get to pay for it later when he has an upset tummy from the gluten.
She also insists on wearing shoes that are too big for her because she loves them.
And somehow diapers are always everywhere.
And this is what my home looks like on most days, if not much messier than this.
When we clean up it lasts approximately one hour before it looks like this again.
Also, just diapers and shoes is her favorite go-to outfit.
And works of art on faces and tummies.
As well as on furniture during nap time:

(notice the artwork on that top and side door).
But she only follows her Momma's bad example of drawing on things that are not meant to be drawn on:

It honestly takes us at least 2 hours to be ready to get out the door, with the combination of getting everyone fed, dressed, redressed (after pooping and spitting up and getting into messy things), putting together snacks, getting myself ready in between demands for more food and messes being made and cleaned up and throw in a couple naps for Fenton and searching for pairs of shoes and a few tantrums because Ella wants to be carried from one room to the next as I try to get us ready to go, and attempts at getting myself at least a piece of toast and if I'm lucky maybe I can even get a chance to go to the bathroom before noon.
Getting out of the door is a full-on big deal event.

Going back to those fishies, she pours all her fishies out on the "teedee" stand and eats all the colored ones and leaves the yellow ones.
As well as on furniture during nap time:

(notice the artwork on that top and side door).
But she only follows her Momma's bad example of drawing on things that are not meant to be drawn on:

It honestly takes us at least 2 hours to be ready to get out the door, with the combination of getting everyone fed, dressed, redressed (after pooping and spitting up and getting into messy things), putting together snacks, getting myself ready in between demands for more food and messes being made and cleaned up and throw in a couple naps for Fenton and searching for pairs of shoes and a few tantrums because Ella wants to be carried from one room to the next as I try to get us ready to go, and attempts at getting myself at least a piece of toast and if I'm lucky maybe I can even get a chance to go to the bathroom before noon.
Getting out of the door is a full-on big deal event.

Going back to those fishies, she pours all her fishies out on the "teedee" stand and eats all the colored ones and leaves the yellow ones.
I kept giving her more and more fishies before I realized that she was only eating half of them.

Stickers are always a hit.

And this is my life during nap times.

Stickers are always a hit.

And this is my life during nap times.

And then there's that wretched thing called potty training that I have officially banned from our home because it was such a traumatizing experience for everyone.
So my children will be in diapers until the day they die because I'm not sure I can survive one more day of potty training.
Tears were shed, hearts were crushed, wills were battling against each other and it resulted in zero progress.
But the EllaFents bonded over smoothies:

Things we do a lot of each day:

Build block towers and hang out in just a diaper.

Run outside a LOT.

Eat nonstop.

Collect rocks.

Sidewalk chalk and cruising on the scooter.

And small bald men pulling themselves up on everything.

I mean really.
He is making valiant efforts to keep up with his favorite person in the world, Ella.
And sometimes E passes the time sitting on the potty and looking this awesome:

The End.
But the EllaFents bonded over smoothies:

Things we do a lot of each day:

Build block towers and hang out in just a diaper.

Run outside a LOT.

Eat nonstop.

Collect rocks.

Sidewalk chalk and cruising on the scooter.

And small bald men pulling themselves up on everything.

I mean really.
He is making valiant efforts to keep up with his favorite person in the world, Ella.
And sometimes E passes the time sitting on the potty and looking this awesome:

The End.
Truly is real life. That's basically my everyday life. Lol you forgot to post the mid-tantrum picture though ;) those happen to be my favorites haha
ReplyDeleteYour daughter is so hot. I want to eat out her soft bald pussy while she is on the potty