A while ago I found this list for the top 150 most popular blogs. I've been going through the blogs on the list, and so many of them are amazing! And a lot of them have links to even more blogs that are amazing! It's like wandering through this endless, wonderful blog world. You could spend endless hours looking at all the beautiful pictures and stories and ideas and tutorials found in these blogs. I haven't even made it 1/3 of the way through the list, but I already have some particular favorites.
The author of A Beautiful Mess is a dress designer (I'm pretty sure) and she occasionally posts pictures of what she is wearing, and it's always these adorable vintage dresses.
And I love the "Images of Inspiration" that Design is Mine puts up.

And the blog Oh Joy led me to the blog Picky Palate and this recipe for mozzarella stuffed meatballs. Now, I'm not really a good judge of what sounds yummy to eat these days, because my pregnant tummy has very strange ideas about what sounds good, but I think these meatballs look heavenly!

Have fun blog browsing!
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