Holy cow, it's been way too long since the last post.
Last month I officially started taking clients again for portraits after taking more than 6 months off so every moment of my free time has gone towards painting up a storm at my kitchen table during every nap time and after the kids go to bed.
That combined with laptop issues meant that blogging just wasn't going to happen.
But oh my heavens, I love doing art again!
In the past few weeks since the last post, we have been busy growing up WAY too fast (I mean, hello, child, how are you even old enough to sit on a swing all by yourself?).
We've also been busy being sick.
Guys, we have been sick at least once a month since Fenton has been born.
Sometimes it's twice a month.
We wash our hands like crazies.
Use sanitizer up the wahzoo.
Eat relatively healthy.
The kids sleep for at least12 hours every night and then have naps on top of that, so they aren't sleep deprived.
How are we sick all the time?
How do I make it stop?
Ella is the sweetest and most happy girl when she is healthy, but when she is sick, you should probably run in the opposite direction.
I mean it.
Tantrum after awful tantrum all day long.
For days on end.
She is grouchy and defiant and breaks into puddles of tears for no apparent reason.
Fenton wakes up multiple times in the night, screaming in pain from his poor little body being so achy and during the day he just cries in frustration of not being able to breathe though his little nose.
We are practically swimming in tissues.
Ella has to skip her favorite playgroups so that we don't get all of those kids sick.
And it's not like a sickness comes and goes in just a few days, it's like two weeks at a time.
Two weeks healthy, two weeks sick, two healthy, two sick.
Oh, I am so tired of it!
So PLEASE, if you have any answers, tell me what they are!
We're a little bit desperate over here!
Ella has some pretty fantastic stories that she tells, one day I will be able to understand what she is saying and it will make the stories even better.
Also, face-painting.
Okay, one thing I love is seeing the difference between the EllaFents.
In the bathtub, at the age that Fenton is at now, Ella would always splash and splash and be generally crazy and energetic and see how noisy she could be.
Fenton, on the other hand, loves to lay really still and then kind of try to figure out how to navigate his body in the water, really slow.
He stretches his little body and sometimes makes little grunts and squeals to hear what they sound like while his ears are under the water.
But very little splashing happens.
They are so different, it's amazing that they are both ours!
But I love the differences!
Which makes them perfect for being friends:
Oh potty training, you horrible thing, you.
It is currently a battle of wills between me and Ella and the potty.
We first introduced the potty almost a year ago and just casually talked about how exciting it was and how wonderful undies were and treats that you get when you go in the potty and slowly we tried to encourage the potty more and more but although she loves her undies and the treats and is totally capable of going in the potty she absolutely refuses to do it.
They say that you shouldn't worry too much because it's not like your child will still be using diapers when they are 20, but I find that not comforting at all.
And then there's this picture:
Seriously, this girl is hilarious.
Her sense of humor is amazing.
She lined up all her favorite babies (Lulu, "War-doe" (Gerardo), "Kimmy" (blankey), DeeDoo, and Monkey) and then laid herself right down in the middle of them.
^Because that's safe.
^Apparently McDonalds makes shoes, who knew?!
But those shoes are one of my favorite pairs of his right now!
Three weeks ago we started a tradition: we are going to take a picture of our family on Sunday, right before we go to church, every single week.
The hope is that we will be able to carry this on for years to come so that it will record how our kids get bigger and how more kids are added to the family and how we all change over time and sometimes have bad haircuts and eventually how the family gets smaller as each child leaves for college and gets married.
Here are our first three weekly Sunday pictures:
And then there's Adam:

Kindly posing for me as I try to focus the camera and find a good spot for the picture.
(That wasn't a good spot).
I love him!
I've been meaning to comment on this for a while. We've been sick ALL the time this winter too. It's the worst! So sorry you're going through it too!