Oh, Christmas, you lovely holiday, you!
Spending days on end with family, the wonderful music, the food, the movies (White Christmas and It's A Wonderful Life, I will never tire of you!) and cinnamon holiday smells, everyone is happy, playing games and talking late into the night, seeing people open gifts that you so carefully thought out, it really is the most wonderful time of the year!
This year, everyone in my family (except for my youngest brother) travelled to Salt Lake City to stay at my grandfather's house.
So it was a white Christmas, which is so perfectly idealistic and beautiful.
Ella wasn't totally sure what to expect of Christmas, but by the end of the day she clearly was a fan.
She was crazy happy and snuggling with everyone (which is something she only occasionally does to show people that she really loves them).
Since we travelled for the holiday we weren't able to bring the bigger gifts for the kids, they'll open those when we get back home but Ella was happy as can be with all the little gifts we brought.
Her favorite gifts of the day: Woody and Buzz dolls that my parents got her (because Toy Story is her absolute fave thing right now, would you like me to quote the entire third film for you, word-for-word? Because I can.) and some little pots and pans that my parents got her to go with the kitchen that she'll be opening when she gets home.
Oh my gosh, I cannot wait for her to see it!
She loves to cook and she's been using her pots and pans all week to make us meals.
We were staying in the home of my grandma who passed away a couple months ago and it was so neat to go through all her beautiful Christmas nativities and ornaments and set them out like she used to do.
The morning started at 9 AM with a skype call to my youngest brother who is serving a 2-year LDS mission in Dominican Republic.
This was the first time we've talked to him since he left in September and it was so neat to hear how much he has grown and changed in that time.
After some biscuits, eggs, bacon and orange juice for breakfast we got to the present opening, which Ella had no problem figuring out.
^My brother and his beautiful and amazing wife.
My kids really lucked out in the aunt and uncle department, I mean really, whenever we get together with mine or Adam's siblings, my kids are in pure bliss.
IKEA pulled through with some adorable toys, oh that wonderful place!
^When she first saw her new Woody doll.
Happiness and joy.
Adam got some Oakley sunglasses that he's thoroughly in love with.
And Ella was quick to notice how much he loves them and quickly set her mind to forever attempt to get her hands on them because there's nothing kids want more than their parents' most expensive and precious items.

Little Girl was thrilled with this paint set, I love how such simple things make kids so happy.
Bah! That FACE!!
Like I said, it was a snuggle fest by the end of the day with this girl.
Those tiny fingers under her daddy's neck!
Oh my goodness, Ella snuggling with Adam, just too perfect.