This break I've been doing art for fun, weird, huh? I can throw together any colors that I want and not have to worry about whether or not the colors I chose will take my grade down. I got professional watercolors for Christmas and I love them! I've never watercolor painted before and I'm still trying to figure it out, I'm struggling with making the colors I want and making patterns, but oh it is so fun!

I've gone a little earring crazy. Here are six more pairs of earrings I've made and I have the fabric to make several more. 

And we decorated sugar cookies, which is also artsy and fun
And one day in the future I want to make one of these: a friend of mine, Candace Workman, who has one of my favorite blogs, gave me a link to a blog that gave me a link to this little movie thing that I think is cute! It's a montage of pictures of this little girl with her doll while she is in Paris. I want to make one of these dolls for one of my future girls. But first I need to learn some more sewing skills. Does anyone know if the intro. to clothing design sewing class at BYU is any good?