Introducing: Ella's Little Brother

Fenton Adam 
July 14
8:38 AM
7 lbs 13 oz

If Ella were to introduce you to him she would inform you right away that he has "Ahhs" (eyes) and a "nohs" (nose) and a "mah" (mouth) and point them all out for you.
Also a "hawt" (hat).
And oh, those cheeks!
And then there would be much squealing and happy fist clenching and exclamations of "Beebee! BEEBEE!"
As long as her Momma isn't holding him and as long as he isn't crying then he has her approval.
The first time she heard him cry she became seriously distressed.
She looked at him with this alarmed expression on her face and her bottom lip was quivering (in exact imitation of her brother's) and she looked up at us, almost in tears and kept saying and signing, "All done! All done!"
And when I sit down to feed Fenton, meltdowns occur.
So far she refuses to hold Fenton but we're working on that, although he has received plenty of loving jabs and pokes to the face from his sister.

If Adam were to introduce you to Fenton he would say, "My son!"
He is busting with pride to have his own little boy.
When Ella came, I had Fenton sent to the nursery so that her first time seeing him wouldn't be wrapped in her Momma's arms.
I wanted to give him a better chance at survival than that because boy does that girl get defensive of me showing affection to anyone besides her.
I had never been away from Ella for so long, so I was ecstatic to see her.
After hugging her and chatting with her for a bit we headed down the hall to meet Baby Brother.
She helped me wheel him back to the room, which may have been the highlight of her experience meeting him.
Ella voted that we bring this couch home with us instead of Baby Brother because it was far more interesting to play with.
She climbed all over this thing for the longest time.
Unfortunately, she was overruled.
It's pretty much the greatest having him at home and in our arms!
I know it's cliche to say, but I honestly can't believe how much my heart has grown to love both these kiddos so much, the center of my world has just become so much bigger and that much more wonderful.


  1. YAY! Congrats! He is so perfect!! I am so happy for you all!!

  2. He is so precious! Congratulations! =)

  3. You just had a baby and you look so beautiful! Congratulations you guys! He is perfect! I'm so happy for you guys!

  4. I'm officially in love with both your perfect little babies!! What an amazing little family!

  5. This is fabulous!!! Your family is beautiful Annie and Fenton really is too precious for words!

  6. congrats! he's perfect! hope you are doing well and hanging in there. those first few weeks were a doozy for me. and what a great idea about having ella help you go get fenton!!! wished i would have thought of that.

  7. Annie! He is darling. What a good idea to have him sent to the nursery, and than bring him in after. I wish I had done that. You look stunning, and I promise before long Ella will totally be use to the idea of baby brother! I am so happy for you
